There’s a paradox in our ever increasing tech-dependent lives: While we yearn for ease of use, the “things” we purchase in the name of comfort and ease of use are more complicated than ever.
We purchase IoT and smart-home devices from multiple retailers; bring them into highly personalized environments with technologies and services from diverse manufacturers and solution providers; then struggle to bring it all together in a way that gives us the control, convenience, simplicity and value we expect. Broadband Internet has become widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a “perfect storm” for the IoT. Big box retailers are organizationally biased to support their core products; they are not designed to support “things” they don’t sell. Their customer service strategies, combined with the desire to push the customer back to the manufacturer for help, can send that customer into a tailspin of frustration. When a big box retailer does offer support, it’s most often limited to specific phases of the customer journey, like installation and setup, and they’re typically restrictive about how that support is delivered within a certain timeframe, warranty or scope of service determined by the brand.
“With the influx of technological advancements brought on by the IoT, there has never been a more important time to provide superior services that surround the customer and their entire environment” says Jim Gosnell, Residential Integration Specialist of Gainesville, Fl. based integration firm, Electronics World. “All brands in the IoT ecosystem have an obligation to deliver the support and services needed for the consumer to realize the value they expect from their things” he continues. As technology has evolved, consumers’ expectations for the output and usability of those technologies have also changed, and less tech savvy users have begun to adopt these products.
Electronics World offers comprehensive design support before the sale, installation by certified technicians and service provider activation support with full integration for the entire technology environment. After the installation we provide through client care with operational instruction, autonomous software upgrades and patches, and best of all, our systems live and breathe as you do, their infinitely upgradeable and user adjustable. We have the IoT problem solved.